For today’s activities, we are learning about ROBOTS!
We are adding on to last week where we learned about HOME, TOWNS , ANIMALS, Our WORLD , and PLANETS .
This week, we’re starting out Day 1 with ROBOTS!
Our first activity is a fun paper toy: We’re making stackable Robot Blocks!
The Robot Blocks instructions are simple: Color in the robot heads, middle and leg boxes. Or draw your own on the blank boxes! Cut them out, fold on the gray lines, and glue on the tabs. Fold it up, and stick the tabs on the inside to make a box! Now you will have 3 boxes…one of robot heads, one of robot middles and one of robot legs and feet! Rotate them around to make your own variations! You can stack them, play a game or build more than one set to make a robot family! Your printables also include a robot coloring page, a page for you explore what you would want a robot to do (this can be a fun discussion for parent and child) as well as a blank page to remind you to not limit ideas to what has already been created….but to come up with your own!
Our art lesson is HOW TO DRAW SIMPLE ROBOTS. We’ll be using simple shapes as the base for an imaginary robot. Follow along with me, or be inspired to make your own! Let your imagination help you come up with as many robots as you can think of!
Click the video to watch our next art lesson!

Here are the printables for the day!
DOWNLOAD Robot Box: Color It In
DOWNLOAD Robot Box: Draw your own
DOWNLOAD Robot Coloring Page
DOWNLOAD Draw Your Own Robot Blank Page
DOWNLOAD My Robot Can…
Thank you for sharing with me at @raisingwonder and @sarahjanestudios and feel free to use #RaisingWonderActivities to share your work!
It really is amazing to see so many children around the globe making and creating during this interesting time on our planet. I’m excited for the week we’ll have together!
Happy Creating, Sarah Jane
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