For today’s activities, we are making more ROBOTS!

We learned about SIMPLE ROBOTS yesterday, and today we are adding on and learning about humanoid robots. What makes a robot look more like a person?These activities are still geared towards all ages, but today’s lessons and activities have more for the older kids to enjoy. But still enough for younger kids too! Our first activity is a fun paper puppet: We are making a Robot with real moving parts! You will need mini-brads for this activity. These are 8mm brads used for scrapbooking and can be found in the scrapbooking section of your craft store. You can also find them online on Amazonhereand here. If you don’t have access to mini-brads, you can use paperclips, small wire, fasteners or even make a very small hole and use string. These options are less ideal in that the paper can more easily rip, or the moving parts won’t be as moveable…but creativity will get you far! The Robot Puppet Instructions are simple: Print out the page on printer paper or cardstock (heavier paper). Color in the robot body parts. If you are using the Draw Your Own option, draw in the details of each robot body part. Cut out the body parts. Poke a small hole through the black dot on each body part (you can use a pin or the tip of the mini-brad if it’s strong enough). Fasten the body parts together, matching the holes. Play for endless hours! The other printables also include: a robot drawing page, Robot symmetry page and a “learn how to draw a robot face” page. Have fun! Our art lesson is today is: HOW TO DRAW HUMANOID ROBOTS. We’ll be adding to the lessons of how to draw a simple robot and how to draw a person. Now we are learning how to draw a robot with a more human form! Follow along with me, or be inspired to make your own! Let your imagination help you come up with as many robots as you can think of! Click the video to watch our next art lesson! |
Here are the printables for the day!
DOWNLOAD Robot Paper Puppet: Color It In
DOWNLOAD Robot Paper Puppet: Draw Your Own
DOWNLOAD Robot Drawing Symmetry Activity
DOWNLOAD Robot Coloring Page
DOWNLOAD How To Draw Robot Face
Thank you for joining me this week!
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And for more activities visit OUR SHOP. You’ll find more extensive games, paper printables and coloring page subscription!
Thank you for sharing with me at @raisingwonder and @sarahjanestudios and feel free to use #RaisingWonderActivities to share your work!
It really is amazing to see so many children around the globe making and creating during this interesting time on our planet. I’m excited for the week we’ll have together!
Happy Creating, Sarah Jane
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